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Wan-Lin Chiang



Wan-Lin Chiang


Assistant Professor

Current Position

Assistant Professor, Department of Health and Welfare, College of City Management, University of Taipei


PhD, Institute of Health Policy and Management, National Taiwan University

MS, Department of Public Health, National Cheng Kung University

BS, Department of Nursing, National Cheng Kung University


Postdoctoral Fellow (Fulbright Scholar), Stanford University School of Medicine

Postdoctoral Fellow, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University

Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences


Social determinants of health, child poverty, child health



Office phone number

Research Projects


  1. Chiang WL, Liu SC, Huang JJ. Analysis of medical care utilization and costs by intimate partner violence victims in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Public Health 2020;39(1): 52-63. [In Chinese: English abstract]
  2. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Early poverty and children’s general health at 8 years of age in the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. Child Indicators Research 2019;12(6): 2067–2077.
  3. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Early life experience and the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: a historical note. Taiwan Journal of Public Health 2019; 38(2):118–123. [In Chinese]
  4. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Risk factors for persistent child poverty during the first five years of life in Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. Child Indicators Research 2018;11(3): 885–896.
  5. Chen GD, Chiang WL, Shu BC, Guo YL, Chiou ST, Chiang TL. Associations of Cesarean delivery and the occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders, asthma or obesity in childhood based on Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. BMJ Open 2017;7(9):e017086.
  6. Cheng KW, Chiang WL, Chiang TL. In-utero and early childhood exposure to secondhand smoke in Taiwan: a population-based birth cohort study. BMJ Open 2017;7(6):e014016.
  7. Balaguera H, Wise D, Ng CY, Tso HW, Chiang WL, Hutchinson A, Galvin T, Hilborne L, Hoffman C, Huang CC, Wang CJ. Using a medical Intranet of Things system to prevent bed falls in an acute care hospital: a pilot study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2017; 19(5):e150.
  8. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Region-specific child poverty and child mortality in Taiwan: 1980-2009. Taiwan Journal of Public Health 2016; 35(3):260–267. [In Chinese: English abstract]
  9. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. The effect of national health insurance on poverty reduction in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Public Health 2016; 35(2):164–171. [In Chinese: English abstract]
  10. Chiang WL, Huang YT, Feng JY, Lu TH. Incidence of hospitalization due to child maltreatment in Taiwan, 1996–2007: a nationwide population-based study. Child Abuse & Neglect 2012; 36(2):135–141.
  11. Huang TY, Chiang WL, Su YF, Feng JY. Clinical ethic dilemmas and difficulties in reporting child abuse. The Journal of Nursing 2012; 59(4): 105–110. [In Chinese: English abstract]
  12. Feng JY, Chiang WL, Lu TH. What's new in ICD-10-CM in classifying child maltreatment? Child Abuse & Neglect 2011; 35(8): 655–657.

Chapters in Books

  1. Chiang TL, Chiang WL. Moving beyond National Health Insurance to Health for All. In: CL Yaung (Ed), National Health Insurance. [in Chinese]. Taipei: Mandarin Library, 2019.
  2. Chiang WL, Lin SJ. The development and health of exceptional children ages 3 to 5 years old. In: TL Chiang, SJ Lin, YS Lin (Eds), The Health Profile of Taiwanese Children in the 21st Century: the First Five Years. [in Chinese]. Taipei: Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, 2018.

研討會論文/conference papers

  1. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Early childhood poverty trajectories and health development from birth to 8 years of age in the Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. 2019 International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Rotorua, New Zealand, April 7-11, 2019.
  2. Chiang TL, Chiang WL. Change in healthy living practices in early childhood and the general health of children: findings from Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. 2019 International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Rotorua, New Zealand, April 7-11, 2019.
  3. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. The effects of poverty dynamics on children’s general health and school achievement at 8 years of age. 2018 Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies Conference, Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
  4. Chiang TL, Chiang WL. Risk factors for child poverty dynamics during the first eight years of life. 2018 Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies Conference, Milan, Italy, July 9-11, 2018.
  5. Chiang TL, Chiang WL, Chan HJ. Child friendly cities: public health perspective. Child Friendly City Conference. Hsinchu, Taiwan, March 3, 2018. [in Chinese]
  6. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. The influence of intergenerational social mobility on child health. 2017 Taiwan Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, October, 28-29, 2017. [in Chinese]
  7. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. The relation of early childhood economic and health conditions to the health of children at age 8 years in a Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. The 6th International Society for Child Indicators, Montreal, Canada, June 28-30, 2017.
  8. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Poverty dynamics and child outcomes: findings from Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. APRU Global Health Workshop 2015, Osaka, Japan, October 30-November 1, 2015.
  9. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Poverty dynamics and child health: findings from Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. The 142nd American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, November 15-19, 2014.
  10. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. The effect of NHI premium subsidy on poverty reduction in Taiwan. 2014 Social Welfare Association of Taiwan Annual Meeting, Chiayi, Taiwan, May 23-24, 2014. [in Chinese]
  11. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Trends in child poverty in Taiwan, 1980-2010. The 44th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, Sri Lanka, Colombo, October 14-17, 2012.
  12. Chiang WL, Chiang TL. Poverty and child health. Society and Health Workshop 2012, Tainan, Taiwan, September 22, 2012.
  13. Chiang WL, Huang YT, Feng JY, Lu TH. Incidence of hospitalization due to child maltreatment in Taiwan, 1996–2007: a nationwide population-based study. The 13th International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, March 30-April 2, 2011.
  14. Chiang WL, Huang YT, Feng JY, Lu TH. Divergent trends in hospitalizations due to child abuse in Taiwan, 1996-2007: a nationwide population-based study. The 42nd Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, November 23-27, 2010.

Research Projects

  1. Co-Principal Investigator, Health care costs associated with child maltreatment: an estimation, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW 108-PS-W-114-000001)
  2. Postdoctoral Fellow, The relation of early life development and health conditions to the health of school age children, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 106-2314-B-002 -094 -MY2)
  3. Co-Principal Investigator, Utilization and cost estimate of healthcare services by intimate partner violence victims: an exploratory study, Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW 106-PS-W-113-112003)


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